Michaelis Menten Kinetics
This HP is explanation of "mmKinetics" (Apple App Store)
How to Use this App
(1st Page)
In the 1st Page, several menu Buttons are placed.
First, you have to input measured data sets. Go to "Input Data" page.
Second, calculation of kinetic parameters should be done. Visit "Calculation" page, and get back.
Third, you can get Results. Go to "Graph" page.
(2nd Page) Data Input
You can input data set here.
In this Page, you can get "demo data".
(3rd Page) Calculation
In this page, you can see the fitting process.
Visiting this page is required.
(4th Page) graph & results
In this page, you can see the Graph to confirm whether your measure data are available or not.
You can also get Kinetics parameters with Error values.
Contant adress: gengoro9p@gmail.com